Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association
Monthly Statistics Report News Release
NAPLES, FL. -- The Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association reported that its October 2010 Booked Orders Index was 115. Index in October is down 47 points or 29% from September 2010's Index of 162 (1990=100). The October 2010 Index represents an increase of 1% from the October 2009 Index of 114.
October Booked Orders Indexes were 216 for Bulk Handling Equipment* and 80 for
Handling Equipment*(1990=100).
The Twelve-Month Index for Booked Orders was 127 in October. Index in October represents no change from September 2010's Twelve-Month Index of 127.
The CEMA Billed Sales (shipments) Index was 140 in October. Index in October represents a decrease of 2% from September 2010's Index of 143. The October 2010 Index represents an increase of 27% from the October 2009 Index of 110.
Billed Sales Indexes were 233 for Bulk Handling Equipment* and 120 for Unit Handling
* Since Bulk Handling Systems booked and billed sales are reported quarterly and
are averaged back to the two preceding months, the booked and billed indexes for
non-quarter ending months for Bulk Handling Equipment and Category X, total of
all categories, are adjusted quarterly.