550-2009cvr ANSI/CEMA STANDARD No. 550, CLASSIFICATION AND DEFINITIONS OF BULK MATERIALS, presents materials classifications with physical characteristics of each, hazards that affect conveyability, along with suggested test procedures to aid the establishment of criteria for selection of conveying machinery and ancillary equipment.  Available ONLY in PDF format.  ($40.00) 86 pages, ANSI/CEMA-550/2003 (R-2015).  Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE.
CONVEYOR INSTALLATION STANDARDS FOR BELT CONVEYORS HANDLING BULK MATERIALS, also known as ‘7th ed. APPENDIX D, in CEMA’s Belt Book. This publication outlines minimum standards for installation of bulk belt conveyors and suggestions for meeting or exceeding these standards. With Metric Conversion. Available ONLY in PDF format.  ($20.00) 16 pages, 2014. Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE.


575-2013 cvr CEMA No. 575, BULK MATERIAL BELT CONVEYOR IMPACT BED/CRADLE: SELECTION AND DIMENSIONS, assures the users of conveyor impact beds/cradles that an impact bed/cradle is dimensionally compatible with conveyor idlers manufactured to the CEMA Standard No. 502.  With Metric Conversion.  Available ONLY in PDF format.  ($15.00) 17 pages, CEMA No. 575/2013. Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE. 
576-2013 CEMA No. 576, CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR BULK MATERIAL CONVEYOR BELT CLEANING, this has been established to provide a uniform method for determining the application class of any individual belt conveyor.  Please see CEMA store for detail on Technical changes in the PDF.  With Metric Conversion.  Available ONLY in PDF format.  ($FREE Download) 9 pages, CEMA No. 576/2013. Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE.  


CEMA STANDARD No. 502, BULK MATERIAL BELT CONVEYOR TROUGHING AND RETURN IDLERS, Standard for CEMA class B, C, D, E & F troughing, return and picking idlers. With Metric Conversion.  Available ONLY in PDF format.  ($30.00) 44 pages, CEMA Standard No. 502/2016. Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE.   


b105-2009cvr ANSI/CEMA STANDARD B105.1, SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDED STEEL CONVEYOR PULLEYS, provides recommended load ratings, dimensional information, and criteria for selection of welded steel conveyor pulleys. With Metric Conversion. Available ONLY in PDF format. ($20.00) 54 pages, ANSI/CEMA Standard B105.1/2015 (revision of 2009). Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE.   
ANSI/CEMA STANDARD 501.1, WELDED STEEL WING PULLEYS, provides recommended load ratings, dimensional information, and criteria for selection of welded steel wing pulleys.  Available ONLY in PDF format.  ($20.00) 10 pages, ANSI/CEMA Standard 501.1/2015 (R-2009). Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE.   



STANDARD HANDBOOK OF CHAINS, CHAINS FOR POWER TRANSMISSION AND MATERIAL HANDLING-2ND EDITION, this hands-on reference provides up-to-date guidance on the selection, design, utilization, and maintenance of various types of chains.  It authoritatively covers the use of chains in various application environments, terminology, safety procedures, and the history of chains. ($125.00) 409 pages, 2006-BOOK & DVD available.  Details and purchase information, CLICK HERE.

ERRATA for Standard Handbook of Chains – CLICK HERE






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