Douglas | Rulmeca

Member Since


Douglas | Rulmeca takes pride in engineering and manufacturing premium conveyor components that keep industries worldwide moving ahead. They are committed to delivering premium products and solutions to customers, with a strong focus on enhancing the safety and profitability of conveyor operations. As a member of the Rulmeca Group, Douglas is one of 18 global manufacturing and sales companies, comprising more than 1,300 team members and trusted by customers in more than 85 countries.

With their focus on engineering and manufacturing for the highest quality and performance, Douglas | Rulmeca offers more than 40 different conveyor components including pulleys, lagging, idlers, impact beds, take-ups, and a variety of permanent magnetics, electromagnetic separators, and metal detectors. Their products are ideally suited for the following markets: Aggregate, Pulp & Paper, Ship Loading and Unloading, Steel, Chemical, Cement, Coal, Fertilizer, Biofuel, Biomass, Coal-Fired Power Generation, and Agriculture.

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Paul Ross – President
Jeff Carlisle – National Sales Manager
Benjamin Brewer – Engineering and Manufacturing Manager




Headquarters and Manufacturing
300 Industrial Park Drive
Pell City, AL 35125
Local: 205-884-1200

Texas Distribution Center
1199 E. Main Street
Itasca, TX 76055

Toll-Free: 800-884-0064