WHEN BRANDING IS BAD!October 24, 2013 – As business leaders, we all work to brand our products. We want potential clients to hear a name and instantly think of a set of attributes unique to our company. Branding is necessary for business but it is poisonous in politics. Branding takes one of two paths…… |
THE COST OF INSANITY..October 8, 2013 – The cost of the 2008 meltdown approached 1.3 trillion dollars – or almost the entire amount of the deficit Washinton is so worried about now. So in the name of a 3-4 trillion “Grand Bargain” or the extra cost of Obamacare, they are pushing us toward a 13 trillion dollar calamity. Most authoritative sources agree that a failure to raise the debt limit will result in a recession of equal or……
HAVE WE BECOME UNGOVERNABLE?January 4, 2013 – Today, let’s talk about “HAVE WE BECOME UNGOVERNABLE?” A few days after the tragic school shooting in Newtown, I dropped my car off for service and was driven to work by the dealership’s porter. He said we needed to place armed guards in schools, many days before the silent period of great soul searching and original thinking yielded the same question. I sense the porter’s politics are deeply conservative so I asked him “Great idea – how do you plan to pay for it? since you want to reduce taxes even further and want to shrink government to do this, where do you suggest we look for the money?? Well, he didn’t have an answer and agreed that was a problem. And, that is the problem – …
BAD VOTERS / BAD GOVERNMENTOctober 22, 2012 – In another month we will have elected a new President – in the person of “learning on the job dot 2 (Obama – Obama)” or “trickle down dot Three (Reagan – Bush – Romney)”, one-third of the Senate and The House. The winners will walk glassy eyed to the great table of hope expecting that the vision of the future laid out by their candidates will be realized in 100 days. Dream on! What they forget is there are three bodies of Government in the United States and the Legislature presents a problem for the executive branch. And the legislature itself is a house divided. We don’t elect Kings my friends – we elect Presidents and they need …
ALL IN THE SAME BOAT!October 10, 2012 – “How to survive the election without losing your friends, giving yourself a stroke and making a wise and informed choice when you vote” Welcome to CEMA’s political blog. I have entitled this column All in the Same Boat since the vast majority of us are just that, all in the same boat. Unless you are one of the very privileged few with more billions than I have years, which are a lot, we share the same concerns. We want to be safe, we want financial security and we want the best for our children. I consider myself an American first and party member….well, in my case…I don’t belong to either. So the first rule of surviving this election cycle is be an American First. …