Wednesday, September 22nd
7:00 am to 8:30 am EST


Benjamin Brewer, Chair
Jeff Ellis, Vice Chair





Pulleys & Lagging
Impact Beds

Welcome to CEMA’s Pulley Committee!  This meeting will start promptly at 7:00 am to 8:30 am. The purpose of this committee is to Review, revise, update, establish standards, and product safety that assist member companies and/or users to accurately select/evaluate pulleys for their application.  Additionally, enable the user to establish accurate criteria for selection and application of the product.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance, and Introductions
  3. Approval of Minutes of June 17, 2021 (attached)
  4. Old Business
    a) Unit Pulley Standard to better support unit pulley requirements (CEMA Standard No. 106) – Updates    Subcommittee:  Jeff Ellis, PPI (chair); Benjamin Brewer, Douglas Manufacturing Co., Inc.; Bob Hawkins, Continental Global MH; Zac Casper, Talos Engineered Products; Ted Hotvet, Van Gorp; Paul Schmidgall, Superior Industries; Don Suderman, Bunting; Eddie Geerdes, Universal Industries; Tamara Thimmel, Bryant Products Inc.
    b) Use FEA to verify Belt Book Table 7.39 compared to B105.1 Table 1 to determine if smaller pulley diameters are acceptable to manufacturers in the availability chart – Updates   Subcommittee:  Andrew Hustrulid, Shaw Almex Industries Ltd. (chair); Alex Vitou, ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc.; Benjamin Brewer, Douglas Manufacturing Co. Inc;
    c) ANSI/CEMA Standards B105.1 and 501.1 – Standard for Balancing Pulleys – ANSI Process – Updates
    d) Minimum Pulley Size Selection based on Horsepower transmitted – Updates
    Subcommittee: Brett DeVries, FLEXCO (chair); Chad Brown & David Keech, ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc.; Benjamin Berewer, Douglas Manufacturing Co. Inc.; David Jesse, Lassing Dibben Consulting Engineers Ltd.
    e) ANSI/CEMA Standard B105.1 – Pulley and Shaft Selection, Tables 4A and 4B – Updates
    Subcommittee: David Keech, ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc. (chair); Benjamin Brewer, Douglas Manufacturing Co. Inc.; Jeff Ellis, PPI; Andrew Hustrulid, Shaw Almex Industries Ltd.; Paul Ormsbee, Overland Co., Inc.; Brett DeVries, FLEXCO.i. Correction and Clarification in Tables 4A and 4B:
    Original: Based on SAE 1018 material, using either a bending stress of 8000 psi from resultant load (no torque), or a free shaft deflection at the hub of 0.0023 inches per inch (tan of 8 minutes), whichever governs.
    Proposal: Based on SAE 1018 material with a key seat, using either 6000 psi shear stress / 12000 psi bending stress from the resultant load (no torque) using the ASME B17C equation, or a free shaft deflection at the hub of 0.0023 inches per inch (tan of 8 minutes), whichever governs
    f) ANSI/CEMA Standard B105.1, Item 2.1 Standard Pulley Diameter Proposed Changes – Updates
    g) Comparison of CEMA and ISO Belt Tracking Allowances – Updates
    5. New Business
    6. Next Meeting – June 14, 2022, La Playa Beach & Golf Resort, Naples, FL.
    7. Adjourn

Benjamin Brewer, Chair
Jeff Ellis, Vice-Chair